Welcome to The Procurement Office

Beschaffungsamt des Bundesministerium des Innern

Documents in the English language

The Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Procurement Office), as the largest civilian procurement agency of the Federal Government, is the central supplier to the public administration in Germany.

Forwarding to "e-tendering" : e-Vergabe

Website: e-Vergabe platform

According to Section 23 (1) Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (Administrative Procedure Act), the official communication has to be in German. Hence, in order to be able to submit a valid tender, you must submit documents, records and declarations, as well as to conduct your correspondence with the Procurement Office in Germany.

However, recognizing the need and interest of addressing international partners, general procedural documents can be found in English on our website https://www.bescha.bund.de/EN/Home/home.html.

Please note that these documents are non-binding and only serve as assistance for tendering; they are no substitute for any official German document and do not have legal force where awarding or contracting matters are concerned. Matters of law will only be ruled upon based on German-language documents. Please consult and use the German official and legally binding documents under the applicable call for tender on www.evergabe-online.de.

Please note that the official German-language documents will be regularly updated. Although, the Procurement Office aims to have the relevant English translation accordingly updated, there might be a delay in translation, so that the non-binding English documents may not represent the most recent version.

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